Avatar of user Kadri Karmo
Kadri Karmo
Photo taker. Digital creator. Ceramic maker.
A checkmark inside of a circleAvailable for hire
a naked woman with a veil on her head
a naked woman wearing a veil and a veil over her head
a cup of coffee next to a plate of food
a person holding a small dessert in their hand
a table topped with chocolate cupcakes and coffee beans
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
a pile of biscuits sitting on top of a metal plate
a plate of food next to a cup of coffee
a person holding a spoon with a dessert on it
a pile of powdered sugar sprinkled on top of pastries
a box filled with chocolate cupcakes on top of a table
a plate of food and a cup of coffee
a metal bowl filled with powdered sugar covered pastries
a plate of food that is sitting on a table
three small desserts with berries and mint on a table
a stack of pieces of cake sitting on top of a plate
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
a plate of food that is on a table
a wooden tray topped with cheesy pastries on top of a table
three chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips
a naked woman with a veil on her head
a cup of coffee next to a plate of food
a table topped with chocolate cupcakes and coffee beans
a pile of biscuits sitting on top of a metal plate
a person holding a spoon with a dessert on it
a box filled with chocolate cupcakes on top of a table
a metal bowl filled with powdered sugar covered pastries
three small desserts with berries and mint on a table
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
a wooden tray topped with cheesy pastries on top of a table
a naked woman wearing a veil and a veil over her head
a person holding a small dessert in their hand
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
a plate of food next to a cup of coffee
a pile of powdered sugar sprinkled on top of pastries
a plate of food and a cup of coffee
a plate of food that is sitting on a table
a stack of pieces of cake sitting on top of a plate
a plate of food that is on a table
three chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips
a naked woman with a veil on her head
a person holding a small dessert in their hand
a pile of biscuits sitting on top of a metal plate
a box filled with chocolate cupcakes on top of a table
a plate of food that is sitting on a table
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
three chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips
a naked woman wearing a veil and a veil over her head
a table topped with chocolate cupcakes and coffee beans
a plate of food next to a cup of coffee
a plate of food and a cup of coffee
three small desserts with berries and mint on a table
a plate of food that is on a table
a cup of coffee next to a plate of food
a stack of food sitting on top of a metal plate
a person holding a spoon with a dessert on it
a pile of powdered sugar sprinkled on top of pastries
a metal bowl filled with powdered sugar covered pastries
a stack of pieces of cake sitting on top of a plate
a wooden tray topped with cheesy pastries on top of a table
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